Monday, January 21, 2013

President's Inauguration...Vision for the country?

Yesterday marked the first official day of President Barack Obama's second term. It was an opportunity for our nation's leader to address the country and construct a vision for the next four years.  But what did that vision consist of? There is much that can be learned from the speech both in regards to the issues confronting our country and in regards to the social climate of our country. Read the transcript of President Obama's inaugural address....what issues does he believe face our country? How does he plan to address them? What insights into American society are revealed by his address? What is your general opinion or beliefs about what was said and what it means for our country?

Many Comparisons were drawn between Lincoln and Obama as leaders by commentators and political analysts...Read Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address... What issues did Lincoln face heading into his second term? What plan did he outline for addressing it? Do believe similarities exist between the two? Explain.. Link to Lincolns address


  1. Malcolm X descendant

  2. Chandis #TurnUp #TurnDownForWhat #WhoMad

  3. Obama's vision seemed to consist of having a positive next 4 years. He expressed his hope for peace in America, and to avoid war. Which makes sense too me, because war costs money, and we don't have money. He also emphasized that we need to embrace science and what it has to offer for us. This is a form of bringing money into our economy. It will provide many jobs for us. He emphasized his need for workers, and teachers to teach our new workers. He also said multiple times that these things can be completed, but only if we do it together. He downed partisanship, and factions, because those are things that are bringing us down, with gridlock, he's saying we need to work together as Americans, not Left, or Right wingers. I completely agree with what was said, all these things would provide progress in America, and we all know that we can't afford anything but that.

    1. With our country, he expressed that equality is emphasized in America now a days.

    2. Did he say that equality exists now in America or that we need to address inequality in our country in regards to women's rights in the workforce and "our gay brothers and sisters" being treated like anyone else under the law?

    3. Great, convert to Mecca

    4. Yes, but it seems that now, the opinion against gays, is a minority opinion. They have all the rights they should have, next to states that haven't allowed it, but still. You can't tell me that equality in America isn't the majority opinion.

  4. Issues - racism,tenets of our faith, origins of our names
    Plan to address issues - cooperation from everyone, better education and discipline
    Insights into American society - war is an issue, homosexuals are increasing, economy is an issue,
    Opinion - it makes me feel comforted a little but on where the country is headed

    1. I agree that I feel more comfortable with where the country is headed now that he has had more experience. I really hope he can prove everybody that says he his horrible wrong, and not the other way around lol

  5. Equality was on thing he talked about like with the gays, and how they should be treated equally.He said our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. He said he wanted everybody to know that they are cared for. He is going to address these by defending us in every way possible. The insights are the gays,old people, young people, etc. are moving away to get jobs in other countries and things like that. My opinions are we need to worry about the big things like our national deficit before we worry about small things. I am hopeful that he will do better this time around, because honestly last time was just awful. I feel like it will get better because of experience. Also we know he can't do it all himself, so we need to help as much as we can to get the USA back on track.

    1. Ur opinion is respectable

    2. Bruce I really agree with you, I have said that the defecit being dealt with is a very big thing. The deficit is ruining our ecenomy and making things worse because as you can see its afrfecting us in a negative way. I believe that the bad economy is the one of the reasons that students are leaving cagsl. Also it has affected me personally, one of my parents had lost their job a few years ago, but they have found a better career and they are okay now.

  6. People moving away for other jobs, is affecting our national deficit, its jobs that we should have, making money for America, leaving for other countries. We need to do everything possible to keep jobs in America.

    1. I never said it wasn't affecting our national deficit, I was just saying that its happening.

    2. This was in response to Bruce.

    3. Brendan your right we want to keep jobs in America but we want to keep good jobs that people can make a living off of and support their family.

    4. I agree with Brendan and the jobs situation. We need jobs in america to help and succeed to what we are going to do...

  7. agreeing with what brendan said, the presidant SAID many things for a posotive outlook. we have to work together yes, avoid war to save money, yes. an improved economey definatly would be a mojor goal. personally im not big on politics and my opinions are very basic. but i agree that this country will go absolutly no where unless we work together. equality is importaint but you cant make everyone happy. do what is best for the country not for favoritism. we need to creat more jobs so that our economy can be strong again. because without jobs we wont make any money and we wont make progress. avoiding war will save money but we are on the brink of something bigger. we still need to keep our gaurd up. one problem i have with the presidant is the fact that he is endorsing christianity and gay marrige. you cannot contridict yourself. all the things he SAID were on the right track.. but talk as cheap and i am from Missouri. so show me. then ill buy in to what you say.

    1. i apologize for my terrible spelling.

    2. I completely agree with what your saying about how you can't endorse christianity and the gays, thats a complete contradiction and it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    3. a lot of sense? it makes no sense. you cant sacrifice morals and values for popularity.

    4. Austin I agree that our country needs to work on growing economy by creating jobs...but first things first...our country can not move forward until we address the disease of depravity that has sickened our nation..

  8. The the issues he faced going into the 2nd term was the skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all society's ills can be cured through government alone. The vision consisted of us all working together. Yes, he is the president whom we elected, but he can't do it all by himself. That's pretty much his way of addressing the issues in my opinion, besides us harnessing new ideas and technology to remake our government, revamp our tax code, reform our schools, and empower our citizens with the skills they need to work harder, learn more, and reach higher. In my opinion much isn't really going to change because I feel like there is always going to be something. There's always going to be something the people don't all agree on and there's always going to be something That may remain as an issue. I feel, the insights in American society addressed are issues such as the gay society, women not being treated fair, and etc. He feels that we were all created equally and we all should be treated equally. Especially if we are trying build a stronger nation. Our people will leave our country to take their skills else where. The gay society are being denied of their "rights" therefore people would want to leave......

    1. you are right, there is always going to be something!like i said in my comment ill buy in when i see it happing. otherwise, talk is cheap.

    2. I agree with your opinion on these problems , we won't all agree on certain aspects of politics , to promote equality we must join together as a nation , we can't be separate but equal , it won't work that way !

    3. The gays aren't being denied their rights, you hear about everybody always talking about how gays need more rights even though they already have the same amount of rights as normal humans. Just because they can't get married in every state doesn't mean they don't have rights. Marriage is between a man and a woman, not a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. It says in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination. I go off my christian beliefs when voting, and I believe that gay marriage is wrong, because it says so in the Bible.

  9. The issues he believes that face our country are immigration , available jobs , general welfare of US citizens , gay people being treated equally....He plans to address these problems by defending our people , upholding our values such as being created equal , finding a better way to help immigrants , & making sure all children are cared for & safe.....the insights we can discover from this speech , include equal opportunity amongst gays & women and realizing that jobs are limited even for college graduates , I personally believe that is was an amazing speech , all the problems we face in America , were addressed in a professional manner & with integrity , it gave me hope !

  10. Brandon in what way did he say that racism is an issue today? I read the speech and I don't believe I recognized that as one of the major issues he addresses..also the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names were not issues he was speaking of but our frame of reference in which we can turn to as a means to unite or divide us.. In response to the solutions you mentioned were stated in the address... cooperation and improving our nations education system were solutions to the problems facing our nation but they were not solutions to the issues you stated...therefore, how will an improved education system, cooperation among all Americans, and discipline result in our gain/growth as a country?

  11. Ok sorry for my mistake I'll note my#Brothers of Islam on the issue

  12. President barack obama believe in change. I feel really good about this term. I will be expected more out of him. President Barack Obama cares about the individuals and the problems. We are going to have available jobs meaning more money for us, revamp our tax code, reform our schools, learn more and teach more. He believe in equally rights concerning gay brothers and sister or being treated the same as a not gay brother or gay sister. We want change and we are going to get it.

  13. I agree Chandis it was a good speech. Jobs are very limited, indeed. The struggle is very much so real. There isn't equal opportunity because if there was equal opportunity our gay citizens wouldn't be frowned upon, whether or not they agree with homosexuality or not

  14. January 22nd, 2013 Jaylon Johnson
    What does the vision consist of?I feel that president's Obama's vision consisted of more equality here in the United States regarding gay marriage, money earnings(regarding the income of money), voting polls that take really long to process for people to vote quickly and precisely, welcoming our immigrants who will later become citizens, and etc. For the next four years there could also be some positive and negative things/events that could happen, but in my opinion I feel that Obama can still hold himself accountable for handling difficult situations like he has done in the past four years in our country. What issues does Obama think faces our country?Since Obama did say that the American Dream was a never ending journey and that it is the land of the free Obama really wants the United States to become a country of freedom and equality! BUT with protest and violence it seems like half of the nation doesn't agree with the equality rights that Obama has set for our country. Sometimes I think that since the United States is a free country that gay and lesbians should be able to have the equal rights to be married, BUT as a christian it says in Romans 1:20-29 that it is a sin and that it is immortal, BUT in 1 John 1:9 it says clearly “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

    1. I agree with most of what you say, but when you face that he has the ability to face difficult decision, I don't understand. I personally think that Obama could've done a better job of improving our nation in the past 4 years. For example, since Obama came into office, we have had a large economic crisis, and Obama didn't really fix the problem.

    2. I really agree with you jasper, he is focusing more on equality now, but I think he should try to go about in a way that supports biblical beliefs more because we are a christian natoins, and we need to represent christ to the fullest

    3. if we just confess and aren't truely sorry for our sins it will do us no good. in order to be forgiven we must be truley sorry and repent.

  15. x...he believe in equally rights concerning the gay brothers and sisters which are being treated not the same as not gay brothers or gay sisters.

  16. The problems that Obama says that face our nation today are making the difficult choice of choosing between caring for our senior citizens, or creating a clear pathway for the future generations, responding to the growing severity of climate change, and finding sustainable resources to maintain a balanced nation.

    He plans to face them by keeping up programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, because he believes that they show our strength and show that we are not a nation of takers or users. He also plans to find the technology that will make new jobs and industries available to us.

    The insights into American society that are shown by his address are that when it comes to salaries, although they do an equal amount of work, women are not paid as much as men are, and that gays are not able to walk about freely and are not treated as equally as heterosexuals are.

    My general opinion on what Obama said are that I agree with him and feel that he should put forth his best effort to try and fix what our nation needs solved. As far as the country goes, I feel that it means that we will no longer have to make hard choices, and that everyone will actually be treated equal.

    1. We are always going to have to make hard choices, and there will always be inequality in some shape form or way. something we have to worry about is trying so hard to make things equal that we start to infring on rights.

  17. Obama believes that economic issues face our country, he thinks that if we work as a counrty together and do what we need to do, then we will succeed and do better. He says that we are a country of equality and liberty, we have a government of, and for the people. I think that what he is saying is true about the problems we face and I agree that if we do better as a country that we can succeed. I don't agree with the gay marridge though because that isnot supported in my beliefs, and I also don't agree with children being aborted because that is not a life that you have a right to take away. But then I get confused because we're supposed to have be equality but homosexuals can't have the same rights to marry (according to the bible). I think something in someones brains causes them to be attracted to the opposite sex but then they are pentalized for it. Can someone explain that to me.

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