Thursday, January 24, 2013

Is a woman man enough to serve?

US government has just authorized a new policy allowing women to serve in combat? What are your thoughts on this new shift in our military? Can women serve as faithfully and equally as men on the battlefield? Does this pose any dangers or potential threats to our military or the security of our nation? Share your thoughts....I linked a video that has a discussion this same topic to help stimulate your thoughts.


  1. I have no issues letting women on the battle field. They have just as much right as anyone else to fight for their country. As long as they can handle the stress and emotions, and know how to shoot straight why shouldn’t they fight?

    1. I completely agree, as long as the emotions of women don't get in the way then why shouldn't they be allowed to fight?

    2. Indeed, I like the fact that u said if they can shot straight they should join the military.

  2. I believe that we could actually use this as an advantage. Women are always looked at as weak, but there are women that can hang with guys in just about everything. I think there are some women that wouldn't be able to handle it, but i don't think that thats true for all women. If there is one thing we have learned, it is that women can do just as good as men in a lot of things.

    1. I disagree to an extent Bruce, I think when it comes to more physical labor / stress men handle it way better which is what direct battle is all about. Yes there are some women in the world that can handle physical stress like a man but they are kind of rare. Women have their place in the military and I think direct battle is not it. Women do some things better then men just as men do some things better then women, it just so happens that physical labor and stress men can handle better.

    2. But there's some females that are just as tough or tougher than some men out here. Besides women are jus as equal as men. So why deprive them of there rights !

    3. I used to think that way too Voegelie, but when you think about it women can be just as emotionally stable as men. They have to deal with a lot of different things that honestly men couldn't deal with. Women are very strong minded people as we all know, and as soon as they get their mind set on something they can be very stubborn, but in a good way sometimes. If they want to fight they will fight, if they want to love they will love. But they can do anything they set their minds to.

  3. I do not agree with this, the reason is because the military has always been brothers. They all have each others back, I only dislike women being in direct battle, I have no problem with them in the military, all of that is fine with me. It's just I think they do not need to be in direct battle. Women can be a distraction to men as we all know that, and I think this would still be the same in direct battle where the men need to be fully alert. All in all I think it's a very bad idea.

    1. Now a days, men can be distractions to men as well, Vogelie. That isn't a viable reason to not allow them to be in combat. They are just as capable of having a strong emotional connection, and having a mans back, as any other man. The mind is the same.

    2. If the only point you have is them as a distraction then that isn't a very solid point. When you have bullets flying at your face I highly doubt that you will be concerned about a good looking female that’s next to you. There has to be professionalism that comes with it.

  4. I believe that I a woman really wants to join the military they can because in the past women have been really helpful on providing for our soldiers in the war so that should be able to help our country even more. I mean they let homosexuals in the military why not women? There are many women out there who are completely physically fit to fight for our country. I mean there are many female athletes out there, why not let them put that to use?

    1. I really enjoyed how you approached this question, and I absolutely agree with what you had to say, and there arethose girls who are on the masculin side of things and could go out and be effective on the battlefield.

  5. I think women can serve in the military just as well as men can. They are the same person on the battlefield, gender doesn't make the call to go in, or to avoid this fight, the mind does, and both men and women have minds. They also have commitment to the cause, its not like they can commit to the American cause, and fight for her country. They're just as American as any man. Some women might even be better in combat, they tend to not need to show off, and prove something. They're gonna make a thought out, calculated decision. I'd rather have a normal, even keeled woman, than a hot tempered show-off man in battle. Things might get done quicker this way. If you're physically fit, and mentally capable, by all means fight.

    1. Me and my brothers agree. Just like what brother Malcom said " I believe in recognizing every human being as a human being."

  6. I feel that being a female server is a good thing. During the wars the women picked up all the work left behind while all of the men were gone. Today, there are many women who are just as brave as men. Women are just as brave, strong, faithful, determined, and strong as men. I feel as though, it is a good thing that there is women that would like to fight for their country. Sad thing is there are many men that won't even think about it and are willing to deprive a woman of her rights. Women have their opinions and there rights too, and those rights should be exercised. Women are just as equal as men. Sorry if I've repeated myself several times, I keep losing my thoughts

    1. I agree with you on the fact that women have rights that need to be exercised, and not allowing them to fight would get in the way, so I think you are completely right.

    2. I AGREE WITH BRI ! Women fought for so long to be equal , Wasn't that what the whole feminist movement was about !!!

  7. This could be a blassing as well as a curse because allowing woman to serve in combat give the United States a larger amount of people to serve and fight which is definetly an advantage. On the the other hand woman are a very different creature than men and their emotions, and body work very differently then ours. They have to deal with post dramatic stress disorder and it could affect them differently and it might have a more negative affect on them.

  8. I think that women should be able to fight in combat along with men because they have shown that they are just as strong as men physically. I feel that yes, women on the field can cause a problem since men have a natural mentality to protect women, but that shouldn't stop women from being allowed. I believe that women would serve faithfully and as equally as men, because they would want to show that they belong out there in the action.

  9. YES , I do believe that women are capable of defending our nation , sexuality should not be a factor when referring to the security of the United States , WOMEN CAN DO ANYTHING MEN CAN !!!!! As long as the job gets done why does sexuality matter !?!

    1. I agree, agree indeed... Sexuality doesn't matter because WE ARE ALL EQUAL. Women are just as tough and all that as men

  10. I feel that it would be an excellent decision to let women serve, fight, and protect their country. I think it would be very good for more people to serve in the military for our country. But i feel that if women serve in the army too, men would be somewhat more into the women than the actual work force of the military. I think it would be a good thing for our country but then I feel that there will be some problems along with this new group of people in the army.
